Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Dead Meat......

OK here's the thing. I'm not really equipped to critique with any complexity the things that seemingly bother me to no end, but because these things do occupy alot of my mental energy  blogging about them seems to offer some relief. Therefore away I go.....
Today a man whom i just met randomly, told  me that he worked for the USDA for many years. He said that he had seen things that would make you shudder in your boots. Namely, once he had seen a cow that had a huge cancerous tumor in its jaw, and that rather than throw the carcass away and waste all that meat, they simply looked the other way and the cow was sent on to become hamburger at the grocery store where you and I buy it for hamburger helper next week. YUCK YUCK YUCK.  My biggest concern is with the ever rising cancer rate, now that we have ingested cancer cells in thru our meat supply, is that cell now in our bodies just gestating away until one day we go to the doctor and hear those dreaded words "YOU HAVE THE "C" WORD, With this type of thing going on in our country, how are we suppose to guard against something like that. I mean we can't see the tumor in our food, yet we most likely are eating cancer more often than we think. I for one and appalled and disgusted and terrified. Poor poor us.

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